速報APP / 社交 / Pod Network

Pod Network



檔案大小:49.4 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Pod Network(圖1)-速報App

Grow your social network and find real life connections. Meet and chat with people to build long lasting relationships and reap the countless benefits of social networking. Break free from conventional methods and step up your social life to meet new people face to face.

Try out the all new world of How to use Pod Network – Social Networking today!

Meet new people with similar interests

Would you like to make friends online? How about looking for a business consultant who shares the same passion for an idea as you do? No matter where you are, use the Social map and Pods sessions to find people nearby. Meet them and set out on a journey to catch your dreams.

Chat and find people nearby

Whether you are getting bored waiting at an airport or simply want to find someone to talk to about your interests, Pod is there to help you. Find and meet old college friends in your proximity or connect with businesses seeking your services by using this social app.

Find GIGs via social networking

Boost up your sales by connecting with individuals looking for professional assistance or services. From freelancers to industry experts, the Pod app is designed to offer countless networking opportunities to everyone.

Pod Network(圖2)-速報App

Grow your circle with Social Map

Use Pod map to go live and find people in your proximity. Ping them with a greeting and make plans to meet them face to face right there and then. No need to wait for days to schedule meetings as you can find an meet people anywhere with Pod.

Meet and chat with actual connections

Break free from the delusional world of mainstream social apps and find pods of people with similar interests. Join groups and discuss your ideas to grow in countless new dimensions.

How to use Pod Network – Social Networking:

· Download and launch the app

· Create your social networking profile

· Add your interests and search for other people

Pod Network(圖3)-速報App

· Use social map to find people nearby

· Add skills and find new GIGs

· Meet and chat with people with similar interests

· Join social networking groups to meet new people

· Adjust privacy and appearance settings on your own

Features of How to use Pod.IO – Social Networking:

· Simple and easy UI/UX

· Enjoy complete control over your privacy

Pod Network(圖4)-速報App

· Stay invisible or go live to find people nearby

· Control the interests to add in your profile

· Grow your social life to meet and chat with actual connections

· Make friends online or build business connections

· Unconventional social media app with surprising benefits

· Attend categorized sessions named as “pods”

· Use Pod maps to find and meet people in your proximity

· Discrete and private pod messenger for hassle-free chatting

Pod Network(圖5)-速報App

Would you like to enter a new world of social networking opportunities? Whether you are a lonely person, business man or a service providers looking for real connections, POD Network – Social Networking is the perfect app for you. Get it today!

POD - Who Will You Meet Today?


Pod Network(圖6)-速報App